Dr Jimmy Lim’s extensive knowledge and expertise in Cataract, Cornea and Refractive Surgery has brought him to many regional and international conferences, and local media platforms where he shares his wealth of experience as a guest speaker. Dr Lim also has a keen interest in the training and education of junior ophthalmologists, and in medical research.
In the last 20 years, Dr Lim has been invited to forums for doctors and healthcare professionals in Malaysia, Philippines, Japan, Taiwan, Myammar, Vietnam, Spain, France, Mexico and the United States of America where he spoke on cataract, refractive surgery, cornea, ocular surface and dry eye diseases, and the management of these conditions with the latest technology and medications available.
Speaker Engagements
Media Appearances
Doctors Talk on Vietnam News
VTC 14 (Vietnam)
29 November 2018
Speaker Invitations and Oral Paper Presentations
- Let’s Talk Mucin RTD – Santen, Virtual Meeting Webinar, Singapore (16 January 2021) Chairperson & Invited Speaker
- Dry Eye Drops: A deeper look beyond simple symptom relief – Alcon, Webinar, Singapore (6 December 2020) Invited Speaker
- A new treatment approach for dry eyes disease that works Day & Night – Allergan, Optive Gel: Virtual Launch Webinar, Malaysia (17 October 2020) Invited Speaker
- Simplifying Medicine – Making it Practical, Gleneagles Hospital’s Annual Medical Seminar 2020, Singapore (15 August 2020) Invited Speaker
- Tomorrow’s Ophthalmology, Today, Santen Vision Summit 2020, Bangkok, Thailand (11 January 2020) Invited Speaker
- The Promise of Levofloxacin, Santen Dinner Symposium, Kyoto, Japan (3 OCTOBER 2019) Invited Speaker
- SPECS (Singapore Primary Eye Care Symposium) 2019, Singapore (24 July 2019) Invited Speaker
- Diquas Advisory Board Meeting, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (6 July 2019) Guest Lecturer
- OSD Forum, Manila, Philippines (4 July 2019) Guest Lecturer
- Anti-Infective Club Forum, Bangkok, Thailand (6 March 2019) Invited Speaker
- Update to Management of Dry Eyes to General Practitioners, Singapore (18 July 2018) Keynote Speaker
- Dry Eye & Anti-Infection Symposium, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (7 July 2018) Keynote Speaker
- Use of Moxifloxacin 0.5% in the management of Ocular Infections, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam (20 May 2018) Keynote Speaker
- Cornea and Ocular Surface Case Presentations, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam (20 May 2018) Keynote Speaker
- Use of Moxifloxacin 0.5% in the management of Ocular Infections, Hanoi, Vietnam (19 May 2018) Keynote Speaker
- Cornea and Ocular Surface Case Presentations, Hanoi, Vietnam (19 May 2018) Keynote Speaker
- Tell-Tale Signs and Symptoms of Cornea and Ocular Surface Diseases, Gleneagles Hospital, Singapore (16 May 2018) Invited Speaker
- Updates on Dry Eyes and Management of Ocular Infections, Ng Teng Fong Hospital, Singapore (7 May 2018) Guest Lecturer
- What’s Hot in the Management of Dry Eyes, Farrer Park Hospital, Singapore (21 April 2018) Invited Speaker
- Use of Levofloxacin 1.5% in the Management of Ocular Infection, Malaysia-Singapore Joint Ophthalmology Congress, Malacca, Malaysia
(17 March 2018) Invited Speaker - Use of Ciclosporin 0.1% in the Management of Dry Eyes, Taipei, Taiwan (4 March 2018) Invited Speaker
- The Benefits of Lipid-based Tears in Dry Eye Treatment for Lipid Deficiency Dry Eye Patients, 29th Myanmar Ophthalmological Conference, Yangon, Myanmar (30-31 October 2017) Guest Speaker
- Riding the Wave of New Hydration in Dry Eyes Management, Singapore Primary Eye Care Symposium (11 September 2017) Invited Speaker
- Ikervis Asia Pacific Advisory Board Meeting, Asia Dry Eye Society Meeting, Osaka Japan (20-22 October 2017) Member of the Advisory Committee
- Cornea Infection, The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, Mount Elizabeth Hospital, Singapore (5 April 2017) Invited Speaker
- The Benefits of Lipid-based Tears in Dry Eye Treatment & Experience Sharing on Lipid Deficiency Dry Eye Patients, Bangkok, Thailand
(3 February 2017) Keynote Speaker - Ocular Infections: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, Training Academy Masterclass, Web Conferencing (13 January 2017) Guest Lecturer
- Challenging Case Video Presentation in Ocular Trauma “Anterior Segment Trauma”, NUH Eye International Congress 2016 XII ISOT & APOTS Meetings 2016 Invited Speaker
- Management of Lipid Deficient Dry Eyes, Clinical experience in Singapore, ASEAN Dry Eye Symposium APAO, Taipei, Taiwan (24 March 2016) Invited Speaker
- Current Understanding and Practive Pattern of Ocular Surface Disease, Focus Group Meeting, Singapore (1-2 August 2016) Guest Speaker
- Current Understanding and Practice Pattern in the Diagnosis and Management of Ocular Surface Disease, Ocular Surface and Dry Eyes Focus Group Meeting 2015, Manila, Philippines Invited Speaker
- Current Understanding and Practice Pattern in the Diagnosis and Management of Ocular Surface Disease, Ocular Surface and Dry Eyes Focus Group Meeting 2015, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Invited Speaker
- Optimizing IOL Power Calculations in Eyes with Axial Lengths above 25.0mm in an Asian Population, ESCRS Symposium & Congress, Barcelona, Spain (19-23 April 2015) Invited Speaker
- Optimizing IOL Power Calculations in Eyes with Axial Lengths above 25.0mm in an Asian Population, ASCRS Symposium & Congress, San Diego, California, United States of America (19-23 April 2015) Invited Speaker
- Clinical Agreement, Efficiency and Repeatability of Automated LogMAR Visual Acuity Assessment System compared to ETDRS chart, ASCRS Symposium & Congress San Francisco, California, United States of America (19-23 April 2013) Invited Speaker
- Accuracy of IOL Power Calculations in Eyes with Prior RK, ASCRS Symposium & Congress Chicago, Illinois, United States of America
(21 April 2012) Invited Speaker - To Reduce the Average Length of Stay of Inpatient Microbial Keratitis, NHGEI Quality Day 2009 Invited Speaker
- Pilot Study of Clinical Accuracy, Efficiency and Repeatability of Automated LogMAR Visual Acuity Assessment System, NHGEI International Ophthalmology Congress 2008, Singapore Speaker
- HRA Imaging of Branching Vascular Network of Polypoidal Choroidal Vasculopathy, 6th International Spectralis Symposium, Nice, France
(29 February-2 March 2008) Speaker - Validation Study of Polaroid and Digital Diabetic Retinal Photography in Screening of Diabetic Retinopathy, 21st Congress of the Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology, Singapore (10-14 June 2006) Speaker
- Self Retaining Lens Holder for Sutureless 25 Gauge Vitrectomy, NUH Resident’s Research Day 2004 Speaker
- Does Mean Ankle Brachial Index Give a More Accurate Assessment of Peripheral Arterial Disease? 25th World Congress of the International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery, Cancun, Mexico (9-13 September 2001) Speaker
- The Effect of Intravitreal Injections on Dry Eye, and Proposed Management Strategies: Clinical Ophthalmology, August 2017
- Quality of Life of Keratoconus Patients in an Asian Population: Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, June 2013
- The Black Book of Clinical Examinations, Ophthalmology Chapter: McGraw Hill 2009
- Reduction in Length of Hospitalisation for Microbial Keratitis Patients: A Prospective Study: International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, September 2009
- Acanthamoeba Keratitis Associated with Contact Lens Wear in Singapore: American Journal Ophthalmology, July 2009
- Ocular Manifestations and Complications of Stevens-Johnson Syndrome and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis, an Asian series.: Allergy, May 2007
- An Evidence-based Analysis of Surgical Interventions for Uncomplicated Rhegmatogenous
Retinal Detachment: Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavica, October 2006 - An Outbreak of Fusarium Keratitis Associated with Contact-Lens Wear in Singapore: JAMA, June 2006
- Abnormalities on the Multifocal Electroretinogram may Precede Clinical Signs of Hydroxychloroquine Retino-Toxicity: Eye, January 2006
- Validation Study of Polaroid and Digital Diabetic Retinal Photography in Screening of Diabetic Retinopathy: Annals of the Academy of Medicine Singapore, October 2005
- Evaluation of Biofilm Formation on Soft Monthly Disposable Contact Lenses Among Healthy Individuals: American Journal of Ophthalmology, March 2005
- Does Mean Ankle Brachial Index Give a More Accurate Assessment of Peripheral Arterial Disease: Cardiovascular Surgery, September 2001